My other honeypots:

As a member of the Blogging University we have been encouraged to branch our into other social media platforms – but also to remind readers of where else they can find us and what we talk about.

Well this has left me in a quandary. Do I tell all? Or leave me in pieces for different audiences?

I am going to tell all!

I have another blog: Over the UnderGround. London’s Green and Pleasant Land. It is really about where I live, some history, and some stuff about the green environment and what we are doing there in terms of an organisation I am involved in. If you are interested in London, then it is worth checking out. I’ve had great fun so far  writing this as I have delved into old books and history sites. And found out all sorts of really interesting things.

I have a Tumblr site: which is a copy version of my blog

I review also on GoodReads: UKGardenfiend. And you can see there just how many books I read – and have read. Last year -2014- over 150!

I also add my reviews to Amazon as EllieWC.

And I am on NetGalley which is where I get a lot of my books to review.

I have a FaceBook a/c: where a number of my reviews appear as this is linked to my GoodReads a/c.

And finally: I do tweet but not personally – only for my voluntary work at my charity…..