About a bouncing tigger

Why am I a Bouncing Tigger?

Well, I was born in the Chinese year of the tiger.

For another my university nickname was Tigger ‘ cos I was bouncy. Or the girl with the hair – waist length, black, curly and thick – very. Now much shorter and blonde streaked! but still curly…

  • I hope to share my passions and joys and maybe I will bounce into a land new to you my reader,  that you can explore with me.
  • Come hop along with me and share your thoughts as we journey together.

If you like my blogs, do please re-blog, but let me know if you use any of my photos on a professional site.

Ps I have joined the Blogging university so you will see changes to this site as I learn more about blogging. I have already changed my theme to make it friendly to tablets and mobiles.

62 thoughts on “About a bouncing tigger

    1. ukgardenfiend Post author

      Ah – but it’s not just about cute for me – it’s the bounciness… I need and want to bounce more – more like I used to anyway… thanks for liking him though and note he is carrying flowers – and I am garden fiend…


    1. ukgardenfiend Post author

      Thanks so much for this comment Rusha. the banner is great isn’t it – not my photo unfortunately – came with the web design – but I do have this sedum in my garden so I thought it echoed my mind.. I have lots more garden photos still to share and am very excited about the fact that not only was our garden featured in a Japanese lifestyle magazine last month, but also that a freelance garden photographer is coming in a week to look and write about it! And we had a group of people round on Sunday and at least two said ‘WoW’ when they came in…


  1. ukgardenfiend Post author

    Thank you so much for nominating me for the Family Award – I am honoured to be nominated again as I really don’t have a lot of followers and don’t blog on a regular basis… I write a lot of stuff down in long-hand in various books i carry around with me, but get to type them up that often. My husband says it’s like my Journal really – at least i get it off my mind! Anyway, thanks again and I will nominate some people who fulfil the rules very soon – I promise 🙂


  2. maureenjenner

    No, long after the events that led to the writing of ‘The Bitter Lemons of Cyprus’ and the halcyon days when Lawrence Durrell lived in Bellapaise, although the effects of the ‘Troubles’, like those in Ireland, continue to leave shock waves whose repercussions are still being felt.


  3. maureenjenner

    Mainly articles, newsletters, letters to the press, a booklet on the History of the Church in Paphos for the enterprising, multi-lingual RC Parish Priest who joined us in 1991, and who translated my efforts into French, German and Italian so it could earn extra much-needed funds from visitors to Cyprus who flocked to the five-hundred year old church every year as tourists. For some years after I had left, he assured me it was still earning about CY£1000 a year, so had been well worth the work involved.

    Recently I have been blogging, and have almost completed the memoir that’s been over twenty years in the drafting, and has been a revisiting, via the pages of my journals, of the events that happened in the first year of the nine and a half my late husband and I spent in Cyprus.

    I ruminated overlong about turning events into a book, but decided there was enough to interest others; so, some fifty thousand words later, and still counting, I’m approaching the final chapter, only to realise there’s the potential for more books, should there be enough time left me to write them.

    Now the long-dormant memoir/biography writing bug has bitten, I’ve even resurrected my fifty-year old university thesis on David Garrick. Funny how one thing can lead to another.


    1. ukgardenfiend Post author

      David Garrick eh? that’s interesting – such a topic is easy to update I would think now we have the Internet and an eBook could easily be written. I keep getting ePublishers contacting me… so I think it easy to get your memoirs published – I assume you were in Cyprus at the time of the ‘Troubles’?


  4. ukgardenfiend Post author

    What do you write? I confess, when we downsized hundreds of books went to charity shops – more than once as it happens, i only kept my very favourite ones as you my Kindle does well at storing books but there really isn’t room in our new flat for all the books I read!


  5. maureenjenner

    With plenty to occupy my days, I’m never likely to get bored. Writing is my main occupation, with reading a very close second. Books by the hundreds line my bookshelves; always good companions.


  6. maureenjenner

    Good to chance upon another keen gardener.

    I’ve designed three in successive homes I’ve lived in. The last two were blank canvases; the first was just in need of TLC and a wake-up call, but it was where I discovered the joy of gardening; achieved with the help of an indulgent husband.

    The last two gardens had to be achieved without my soul-mate who died suddenly, but with lots of help from friends, the last two afforded much joy.

    The current garden is way too large for my twilight years so I’m hoping, one day, to move on and downsize – when I find someone who’ll want to live here on this hilltop overlooking the Towy Estuary in Wales, and who’ll also enjoy taking care of the field I turned into a garden.


    1. ukgardenfiend Post author

      The Towy Estuary is very beautiful I recall and you must have a great view!
      know what you mean about leaving a lovely garden to the hands of a newcomers as a friend with a wonderful garden has just sold her house to someone we believe is a non-gardener and we are also losing her expertise as she is moving out of the area.
      However, we must, as the Buddhists tell us, and we tell our ageing mother-in-law, learn non-attachment to things.
      The plants are only in our care for a short while as they live and die for themselves and their descendants so we must do what is best for ourselves, just as they do what is best for themselves.
      So if you need to downsize look on this as the opportunity to start a new smaller garden for sitting and drinking tea and reading books in. Take with you your favourite plants and settle them into a new home and then bring in some companions for them.
      I hope you find somewhere that moces your soul as much as your current home does but without sad memories.


    1. ukgardenfiend Post author

      You certainly make my heart smile! I have been commenting on my first year PhD student’s proposal this afternoon and not working on email or blog… so am now officially brain tired. Off to cook supper for husband and to wash-up. Much better for the brain!


        1. ukgardenfiend Post author

          I think I need your help though, as when I tried to put a new award on the side of my blog using a widget, the old one disappeared, and I can’t get the images to come up. I don’t seem to have the link to the image perhaps correctly? Do you have any help on this you can offer? How did you do it? Many thanks


        2. sagedoyle

          I’m not very technical myself and I actually included a question in my post today about how to put the logos in the sidebar, so I’m afraid you may know more than me lol. All I do is copy the image from whatever site gave me the award onto my desktop, then I drag and drop it into my media library. I haven’t tried to figure out how to put it in my sidebar yet, I was just hoping someone would answer that question and make it easier for me 😉 If I find anything out, I’ll let you know. Wish I could help 🙂


        3. ukgardenfiend Post author

          Hmm – the versatile blogger explained clearly on their site, so I guess we need to track down the original sites that created these memes… if I find any, I’ll let you know!


        4. ukgardenfiend Post author

          I’ve worked it out…. What happens is that you go into your Dashboard area, and choose appearance then widgets. You should have sidebar on your site. Drag an image icon onto this sidebar area and then give it a name – of the award of course, then underneath it asks for the url go to the image [from the site awarding it to you?] and do copy url and then paste the url into this box and save. It should then show up on your blog! It does on mine… 4 awards… however, I accidently over-wrote the previous award I had when working this out – never mind… luv


    1. ukgardenfiend Post author

      Thank you again! I now just have to find time to send them out … I’ve started my list of people who can have awards though, so that is something… I have a new quote for you: Poetry is the synthesis of hyacinths and biscuits. [Carl Sandburg] So apt I thought! 🙂 Elayne


      1. sagedoyle

        lol I love that quote that’s awesome! Thanks for that 😉 And you can take as much time as you need for the awards, no problem at all.


        1. ukgardenfiend Post author

          Isn’t it just great! I have found some others from this great book of my husband’s. eg
          ‘Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood’. TS Eliot.
          ‘Poets utter great and wise things which they do not themselves understand’ Plato
          What do you think of these?


        2. sagedoyle

          lol Well I know this is sacrilege but I’m not fond of T.S. Eliot (don’t hang me) but that is a good quote, and I do like Plato, and I think this brief quote encompasses his philosophy and the vastness of mind, as if we are so connected with our own experience, it is more emotive and conceptual than we are able to grasp in a concrete way. Writing it down helps to manifest it, then we understand. So yeah, I like these too 😉


  7. ukgardenfiend Post author

    Not quite that old Julia – only 62! Still I have 2 knee replacements plus several other ops, and this year I added a foot operation to my collection – heading for the mid-teens now in ops… I sincerely hope I live to be 92! My grandchildren are only 3 and 1 so not quite up to your stage yet, although the older helped cut the veggies for supper at the weekend wearing her special chef’s hat! She looked really cute. Her Dad likes cooking and encourages her.


  8. ukgardenfiend Post author

    OK – my grandchildren call me Nana as it happens, but I’m really not that old… still working. Thanks for your comments and keep reading what goes up on my site and tell your friends – and your Nana!


  9. Gardengirl

    You sound like a very interesting person, much like my Nana. I looked at a couple posts and pages and got a little giggle and a lot of ‘that is really interesting’. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with the world.



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