Tag Archives: WordPress

Yet another award: Very Inspiring… Liebster, Makes My Heart Smile, Blog of the Year! Yes all of them…

Sage Doyle has nominated me again for yet another award – the Very Inspiring Blogger. A great big thank you again to Sage for this! 🙂 http://sagedoyle.wordpress.com

I have added it to the sidebar with the other awards and now I really must start nominating some of my awards to other people…

So the Liebster Award is for young blogs – usually of less than 200 followers but I’ve stretched this a bit  –  and requires you to ask your nominees to answer some questions and I have now come up with those.. so here are the questions, and I’ve tried not to be too obvious but:

  1.  what is your first memory?
  2. what was your most embarrassing moment?
  3. as a teenager who was your role model?
  4. which book do you wish you had written?
  5. why?
  6. are there multiple realities? or just the one that we all experience the same?
  7. where [location] was your first kiss?
  8. which island would you most like to live on?
  9. when writing a thank you letter do you type or use pen and notepaper?
  10. paint or wallpaper in your bedroom?
  11. favourite nightwear?

So my nominees for this Liebster award are:







The Very Inspiring Award asks you to state 7 things about yourself that are different and Sage actually inspired me here as to what to write. so here they are:

7 things about my wardrobe:

  1. I used to wear hotpants when I was 16.
  2. I was a hippy with bare feet when I was 17.
  3. I used to have my eyes outlined as per Cleopatra with heavy balck eyeliner and triangles at the end inset with green or blue eyeshadow
  4. I wore very long beaded earrings, even with feathers on them in my hippy phase
  5. At uni I was the first person they had seen in a long skirt – ankle length
  6. I wore tights of many colours with these skirts – yellow, lime green, blue etc
  7. I dyed my hair when it got too grey all sort of shades from deep burgundy, to pink streaks in my fringe- that was a disaster they were too pink – to blonde to brown and…..

My awardees for the Very Inspiring Award are:






In contrast the awards ‘Blog of the Year’ and Makes My Heart Smile don’t require anything more than nominees. So here they  are:

Blog of the Year goes to:








Makes My Heart Smile goes to:







My Gargie Award nominations: here they come

The rules of the Gargie Award are really very simple: first you post an announcement.

Nominate some bloggers that you admire – number not important.

Then link and let them know.

By the way the Gargie Award is the creation of blogger gargoylebruce from thebookshelfgargoyle so thank you to Bruce for this lovely little award…

My nominations are:


for his inspiring words and interesting view on the world.



for his very unusual indeed blog topic!

As said before – but just to reiterate, I was awarded this award by the lovely http://sagedoyle.wordpress.com

I have 3 more awards to work on – and will post my nominations on them shortly…
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